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Meet our partners!! ENVIPARK

We have created this section for a better understanding of Hypergryd Project EU and all its members.

To do so, each week, one of the partners will answer some questions.

Let’s get started!

Our guest this week is Mauro Cornaglia from ENVIPARK

The role of ENVIPARK in the Hypergryd Project EU is leader in Task 5.4.

But let Mauro Cornaglia tell us about it!

1.What is the role of ENVIPARK in Hypergryd Project EU?

ENVIPARK in the framework of the project is a Living Lab for the development, demonstration and validation of project tools, with a focus on the development of a dynamic multi-carrier energy model applied to existing networks (electric, thermal, gas) in the Park. ENVIPARK energy network will be modeled and will be used to simulate systems improvements, increased penetration of renewable energy sources, and management optimization.

2.How do you contribute to the Hypergryd Project EU with your work?

Contribute to the creation of a digital model of ENVIPARK’s plant and networks that can simulate system behavior in the near future, based on production and demand forecasts, increased penetration of renewables and storage systems. The results can be used to optimize the management of the networks and to evaluate the benefits of future network efficiency upgrades (RES plants, energy storage, etc.).

3. Any tips for the public about ENVIPARK work?

ENVIPARK is first of all the managing company of a scientific park, which covers an area of 35,000 m2 in the center of the city. The Park design and construction adopted sustainable building practices including wooden building structures, green roofs, an urban mini-hydroelectric plant, rainfall collection for reuse, and it remained open as a place for demonstrating, replicating and teaching innovation (e.g. small PV installation to power an electric vehicles recharging station, hydrogen technologies, etc.). Furthermore, ENVIPARK is involved in research and innovation projects and consultancy at European, National and Regional level on advanced energy, green building, green chemistry, and clean technologies. It undertakes applied research activities and offers services to enterprises and local authorities in the fields of advanced energy (e.g. carbon dioxide storage and use, hydrogen generation and use), green chemistry (biomolecules and biofuels extraction from biomass including organic waste), clean tech (LCA, energy management in industrial and services sector, environmental auditing, product and process environmental certification, Sustainable Energy Action Plans) and Plasma Nano Tech (surface engineering).

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Hypergryd Project EU, hybrid energy grids for smart energy districts!

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