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A short recap of the Workshop: Innovative Solutions for Expanding and Peer-to-peer Energy Trading with Thermal Assets in Local Energy Markets

In the context of the workshop “Peer-to-peer energy trading with thermal assets in local energy markets” first results of the project Hypergryd were presented. Dr. Hannes Diedrich, Grid Singularity, presented a demonstrations study with different simulation scenarios of integrating heat pumps into a district heating system or even replace the district heating system with an energy community of heat pumps. Mustapha Habib, KTH, joined here, presenting the developed IoT-tool for managing such a community.

Aim of the workshop was getting feedback from the participants, especially the stakeholder of the Living Lab Sonnenplatz Großschönau. Most of them have already heard about such a P2P-trading system, but haven’t seen calculations concerning these systems, yet. As the presented system assumes, that users have to let someone else take the control over their heating system, it was hotly debated, whether this system would be socially accepted. Another critical point was, that the infrastructure costs would have to be integrated in the calculations. But in conclusion, the stakeholders agreed that such a community could work, in case that the users know and understand the advantages and there are definite financial advantages as well. One variant could be to redesign the summer operation of a district heating system to reduce the temperature of the DHC and thus, the net losses during summer.

The major of Großschönau also explained the actual preparation of such a P2P-trading concerning electricity in Großschönau. At the moment, all buildings and systems owned by the municipality participate in this energy community. This is the test phase to observe, which troubles can occur and how they can be solved. In a second phase, starting at the end of this year, all households, offices, communal and agricultural buildings in Großschönau can participate and become consumer, producer or prosumer. Advantages: using local produced electricity, less load on the grid, less grid charges, higher prices than the feeding in-tariffs.

Written by Manuela Binder by Sonnenplatz Großschönau