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HYBRIS Implementation and Evaluation Plan for Demo Sites

An Implementation and Evaluation Plan for HYBRIS HESS system in all Demo Sites and Use cases has been defined already. This entails de definition of all aspects that need to be taken into account by Demo Site owners as well as HYBRIS technical partners to enable the installation of the HESS in respective Demo Sits, its commissioning, testing, validation, and, in the case of the Belgian Demo Site, dismantling and shipment to Italian Demo Site. This plan includes the following:

  • Implementation Plan: Aspects to be taken into account to enable the physical installation of the HESS. These include:
    • Architectural/Structural design
    • Installations/Connections design
  • Communication and Evaluation Plan: Aspects to be taken into account to enable a proper and seamless communication between HYBRIS HESS and Demo Sites that, in turn, allow for a proper evaluation of HESS’ performance through analysis of data collected based on the Use Cases defined for each Demo Site. This includes also the Sustainability assessment.

As mentioned, HYBRIS project will be implemented in 3 demo sites:


The italian demo site takes place in the neighbourhood of Fondo Saccà in Messina. The redevelopment project of Fondo Saccà represents an exemplary intervention to recover a portion of the urban fabric in a state of high urban degradation and social marginalization. The redevelopment project considered the main settlement theme of the city, which is the block of houses, as a measure of the territory. A fabric formed by the repetition of homogeneous forms with few differences. A simple, repetitive, but surprising settlement form for all the possible variations it presents. Furthermore, the project is the result of a research program aimed at decoding the principles in which local communities living in Messina recognize themselves.

The project was developed according to the method of Social Responsible Territories®, introduced in scientific literature and international practices  by  REVES -European  Network  of  Cities  and  Regions  for  the  Social  Economy.  The principles detected were used for the implementation of multicriteria aimed at choosing bio-compatible building systems. This project was promoted by Fondazione MeSSIna – Ente Filantropico (former Fondazione di Comunità di Messina Onlus) under the Capacity Program.

Use case application and service deployed within the HYBRIS scope: in the Messina pilot the HESS will be connected to the existing microgrid. As reported above, the micro-grid can be operated in island mode. In this contest will be possible to test the HESS to evaluate the provision of services to island grids. During the trial, the micro-grid will be able to island the community from the main grid and provide electricity for 4-6 hours before switching back to the main grid. In addition, thanks to the possibility to work both in grid connection and standalone mode, it will be possible to verify the advantage of the hybrid storage in providing multiple services. In particular, renewables balancing, backup power and longer-term energy storage can be easily tested.  Frequency regulation service can be investigated driving the active power of the HESS through the following of a signal that simulate the request from the system operator (tertiary frequency regulation). The implementation of an automated interphase that simulate the droop and the dead band, allowing an automated reaction in terms of active power to provide primary/secondary frequency control investigation can allow the investigation also of this service.


The Belgian pilot site is an SME zone ( with 20+ mixed businesses of which part is currently under “park management” of Quares to provide various aggregated services to the participants. The ambition of the town Brasschaat is to evolve towards a true sustainable town and business park are first focus areas to test advanced “green local energy community” concepts. This aligns very much with Quares who manages 10+ Belgian business parks and sees this request arriving more and more towards them. From the different business parks currently in scope of Quares this one was chosen because of the very good local government support and the novel inclusion of a “mobility hub” as part of a new to be built part of the business park as mentioned in more detail below.

During the project duration also more building/business owners are due to join the Quares park energy management service when we can add them towards the local energy community services which will provide them more value then what they have now with individual contracts. The relevant actions in scope of this project are related to the advancements in the energy system. The site will firstly strive to produce as much as possible green energy locally primarily via roof-top solar of 258 kWp on the first building of the business park named “Pronails” which will be provided with EMS services and will be used to evaluate the energy sharing concept with its neighbor commercial building called “Acta”. This produced energy will then aim to be kept as locally consumable as possible and that will be achieved by means of various DSM assets/services: e.g. HVAC within buildings, EV, … and a community battery.

Use case application [MB1] and service deployed within the HYBRIS scope: More relevant to this project is that the community battery should be able to provide stacked energy value within the energy community. The community battery will thus be optimized continuously towards local, congestion and national level value. Local green consumption, congestion peek avoidance (towards the DSO Fluvius), trading optimization (EPEX spot) and FCR proof of concept (PoC)[TD2] .  Starting with system level scenario simulation over years with different mobility growth scenarios and resulting different HESS hardware/software optimization proposals and evolutionary system upgrade decision moment. This will lead to an optimal HESS life-time system growth model and starting with an optimal initial HESS sizing for phase 1. The operations software stack can then operate according to the optimal simulation/emulation targets/choices.


Similarly, to Messina virtual model described in the section 2.1.2, the Dutch pilot site has the goal to simulate and emulate a real time energy management control which involves a glass factory (in Tholen, NL) within a business park with net metering tariff. The purpose of this pilot is to demonstrate the business case for the novel HESS system in the context of a SME factory net metering tariff with the addition of ancillary services towards the NL TSO. Furthermore, it will demonstrate the ability of a HIL device to faithfully emulate the behaviour of a HESS system to provide a full simulation of the end-to-end value of power/energy management with a HESS. The main idea here is to put into emulation all the energy assets (PV, Consumption, EV charger and HESS battery), placing on field measurement devices and using a digital twin of the factor. To assess firstly, the confidence of the model and then the possible savings made during the testing phase period. Therefore, based on the emulation’s outcomes, a decision could be made for the perfect assets’ configuration and sizing before installation.

This arrangement could be easily replicated to show other SME in the community the value that could be brought by investing in such a system, allowing to plug-and-play a real HESS if they decide to invest.

In all these demo sites, data will be collected, stored and managed in order to allow for HYBRIS HESS system to run smoothly and allow for HYBRIS services to be implemented, tested and evaluated. In a general view the communication between all the parties could be summarized as follows:

Figure 1. Overall HYBRIS Communication Diagram

Indeed, one can see that the EMS is retrieving data from the HESStec SCADA, the ABMS, and the demo site:

  1. The Hesstec Scada which is basically a server containing all the HESS battery data by instance historical data and historical error/warning messages but as well real time data. This server will communicate with several entities as the PMS which acts like a passthrough gateway supervisor dispatching the command between the two battery inverters (LTO and AORFB). Moreover, both inverters and BMS systems are going to send measurements and battery status to the Hesstec INMS server which will will send back the information to the EMS and ABMS cloud platform. 
  2. The ABMS who provides daily advanced HESS battery analysis and technology preference indicator to privilege the LTO over the AOBFB operation or the other way around thoughout the day. The ABMS is going to send data on the EMS blob storage through SFTP protocol once a day which contains yield charts, advanced state of health, power in function of temperature for each battery and technology preference indicator. Then, this information is ingested to optimize long term Hess battery control and maximise its life cycle operations. 
  3. The EMS (Energy Management System), which is responsible for cloud energy control strategy. Its main role is to aggregate and analyse data from different parties of the whole control system coming from the HESS battery, the field measurements and the ABMS. It will then use these data to enable forecast of consumption and solar production but also to feed the input of the MPC used for energy optimisation control. This EMS can be seen as an orchestrator who computes general strategies in function of external and internal factors, and further ensures the transmission of information to the local controller, making in that sense a clear separation between the IT and OT operations. 
  4. The building energy data and on field telemetries, will help the EMS to feed its control algorithm and forecasters with real on field data as feedback and allow to close the control loop. It is also necessary for steering controllable loads as well as EV charging stations. This last part will be handled exclusively by the EMS itself through a field gateway. And in order to clarify the operations, the HESS battery steering will be done through Hesstec API. 

Finally, an implementation plan has been developed for respective Demo Sites, setting the guidelines to allow the HESS reception and physical installation. This includes several architectural, structural and MEP designs, blueprints and narrative memories. The HESS system will be first shipped to the Belgian Site, which will carry out certain actions before the HESS is shipped during January 2024, allowing for its installation, testing and validation of services up until April 2024. These actions and an example of structural design/project are given hereunder:

These following EMS services will be provided to Brasschaat demo site in Belgium. It will be tested:

•          EMS basic service (Arbitrage + Self-consumption)

•          Monthly capacity Peak shaving

•          Self-sufficiency

•          Self-consumption

•          Energy sharing

Testing Period (4 months, 1 month = 4 weeks)
Tested ServicesFromToPeriodResult target
EMS basic service.EMSHesstec API8 weeks15% saving compared to normal situation. (Standard mode VS Smart Steering)
Peak shavingEMSHesstec APIUntil the end testing period11.7 kW monthly capacity used reduction
Self-sufficiencyEMSHesstec API4 weeks15 kWh used at night (night consumption support)
Self-consumptionEMSHesstec API4 weeks22kW/40kWh EV charging during PV peak production
Energy sharingActaPronailsUntil the end testing periodA minimum energy sharing of 50kWh/day

For the Belgian Site, designs have been carried out in accordance with a temporary installation plan, given the fact that the HESS will later be shipped to the Italian Site around April 2024. Thus, a similar plan and designs apply to SAE, as shown hereunder; on the other hand, the designs have been carried out in accordance with a long-term installation plan, including foundations/pillars being drilled on the ground:

Furthermore, once the HESS battery is installed on site and the whole communication systems are set up, the real testing period can start. Basically, the tests will take place for 4 months and KPI’s will be monitored following this table below:

Final Testing Phase (4 months, 1 month = 4 weeks)
Tested ServicesFromToPeriodResult target
EMS basic service.EMSHesstec API8 weeks15% saving compared to normal situation. (Standard mode VS Smart Steering)
Islanded modeEMSCNR/SAE Scada (Supervisor)4 weeksSupplying several households with at least 15kW during 1h
Load sheddingEMSCNR/SAE Scada (Supervisor)During Islanded modeStaying in islanded mode
FCREMSCNR/SAE Scada (Supervisor)4 weeksShowcase frequency following
SAIFI reductionAt the end of test period40 interruptions avoided per year
(A reduction of 75%)