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Meet our partners!! CNR ITAE

We have created this section for you, to better understand the HYPERGRYD project and all its members. To do so, each week one of the partners will answer some questions.

Let’s get started!

Our guest this week is: Valeria Palomba from CNR ITAE

The role of CNR IATE in the project is: coordinator of WP2.

But let them tell us about it!

1. What is the role of CNR ITAE in HYPERGRYD?

CNR is WP2 coordinator on Enabling technologies and will also be supporting activities for tools development in WP3 and in WP5. We are members of the PMT (project management team).

2. How do you contribute to the HYPERGRYD project with your work?

In strong collaboration with Sorption Technologies, we will develop and test a seasonal storage for sector coupling and grid services. The numerical activity will also allow to include the design and operation of the grids including this new type of storage.

3. Any tips for the public about your work?

Our work within HYPERGRYD allows to replace the bulky water storages that are installed at grid level with smaller decentralized storages based on chemical reactions, that reduce the heat losses and give more flexibility. At the same time, the same storage can be used for heating and cooling and might provide some flexibility services to the electric grid, not only the thermal grids.

Consortium photo at the General Assembly at R2M Headquarters, Pavia, Italy.

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Hypergryd, hybrid energy grids for smart energy districts!