Last Wednesday, 17th of May 2023, our partner in SOLDAC project Nina M. Carretero from IREC participated in the CO2 Storage and Capture Conference in Barcelona, organized by APIA (Association of Environmental Information Journalists) and the Spanish CO2 Technology Platform (PTECO2), celebrated in the ICM-CSIC (Institut de Ciències del Mar), in Barcelona.
The conference consisted in 5 different talks regarding aspects of the CO2 cycle: from fossil fuels combustion to capture, utilization and storage together with socio-economical aspects and current projects in the UE and Spain related with CCUS technologies.
Experts from different fields and institutions (IMDEA Energy, IREC and IGME) explained the importance of a rapid implementation of these technologies in order to reach the ambitious goals for the climate neutrality in 2050, and the relevant role that plays the public acceptance in these initiatives.
The importance of journalist’s work in the public vision was highlighted, and from a scientific point of view, an attempt was made to encourage journalists to communicate impartially about these initiatives with the final aim to facilitate their implementation.
The conference finished with a Round Table in which the journalists expressed their concerns regarding mainly, the Spanish Regulatory Framework in terms of creating a real CO2 economy.