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UNIPG and Women in Geothermal, third interview of the series with Dr. Ing. Anna Laura Pisello

The Engineering School of the Università degli Studi di Perugia (UNIPG) provides training and research activities in the fields of structural, environmental and energy engineering. CIRIAF is an interuniversity research centre funded in 1997 whose objectives are: to promote research on environmental sustainability, renewables and energy efficiency, pollution and its effects on the environment; and to foster activities for the participation in international research programmes.

CIRIAF team brings its expertise in energy systems to the project and manages one of the Geofit pilots represented by an historical building located in the Sant’Apollinare Fortress. 

Dr. Ing. Anna Laura Pisello, PhD in Energy engineering and assistant professor of environmental applied physics with more than five years of experience at UNIPG, explains her role in Geofit and what drew her to this line of work, energy-related.

‘…probably my passion for environmental sustainability and how we can make a change thanks to the improvements in energy efficiency but also human comfort level in the built environment…’