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7th General Assembly in Lanzarote

Last week from the 25th to the 27th REACT partners gathered together in Lanzarote to attend the project 7th General Assembly. 

Consortium members outside the meeting venue.

During the first day the different actions carried out were been presented on all areas: social, technological, technical and their relationship with the pilot demos. The planned activities for the demonstration at Carloforte, La Graciosa and Inis Mor were also discussed. Other important matters regarding the changes in the technology configurations of the pilot sites and the update on the risks of the deployment activities were also discussed. The issue about the data collection from the technology systems for the baseline and validation period was also an important part of the talks.

On the second day we discussed about very important matters closely related to the pilots implementation: on understanding residential user experience, how users behave when affecting their interaction with the React system, lessons learn during this period, the possibilities for scaling up solutions, how we are monitoring the data so we can make a model for the green transition of the pilot islands to the follower islands using real case examples and finally, the possible development of business models.

During the last day of the meeting we held an event in La Graciosa where authorities, all consortium members and project participants gathered together to present the project to authorities and the general public. Participants were very positive about their installations and eager to continue with actions that can make the island energy independent. They had a clear message to the authorities that they want to advance quickly in decarbonisation and energy independence for the island and administrative barriers should be removed. It was a very interesting and productive meeting for all present there.

Now we are looking forward to the next months developments and its presentations in the next meeting when even more tangible results will be presented.