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Workshop on Trustworthines

In the workshop, “Privacy Metric Tool for Building Digital Twins Trustworthiness” that was held on Thursday last week, September 8th, in Nice, and under the umbrella of Sustainable Places 2022 the “PRIVACY METRIC TOOL” was explained, in the framework of the SPHERE project, for home monitoring and advanced AI control based on mathematical models.

This tool was first presented at BDTIC2022 and will be one of the standards presented at CEN442 WG9. “PRIVACY METRIC TOOL” provides an objective assessment of the level of privacy and could be used as a mandatory standard in the future or as a design tool for developers and manufacturers of sensors and home devices. DIGICHECKS H2020 project also joints with the Sphere project to work on this issue.

There were many interesting presentations, and very active participation from attendees was encouraging. It showed that this area is an important one and those factors related to privacy and security are very much in demand to be explored and tackled.

How can we prompt and encourage trust over Digital Twin instances?  There were talks about the need to analyze all prospective users and even certain community groups to implement engagement procedures that fit their needs and wills to achieve users’ satisfaction. This in turn can end up with the development of trust as and encourage technology adoption by professionals of emerging technologies and new developments. At the end it was mentioned the fact that also by achieving users’ satisfaction through usability principles and proper use this is believed to promote trust and acceptance in new technologies. It was acknowledged that we should give the deserved relevance to human factors.

The audience’s attention was high on how to guarantee data privacy how to manage engagement and how to generate trust among those that are related to the use of digital twins instances in the building, renovation and construction sector, but also in other sectors were the digital twin is catching up. Further interesting developments in these areas are expected to accelerate in the coming months.