From Hybris project we would like to invite you to the “Energy Conversion and Storage Days”, which will take place in Karlsruhe, Germany from March 21 to 23, 2023.

This 3-days event has a top-class programme:
- SUPEERA Workshop “Bringing research and industry closer: ES and PV”
- Meetings of EERA Joint programme Energy Storage & EERA Joint programme Photovoltaic Solar Power
- Workshop on “Applications of Hybrid Energy Storage”
- Workshops on “Energy System Benchmarking for Hybrid Storage: Performance Indicators and Application Areas” and “ Succeeding with Scale-up of Energy Materials”
- Match-making event for Horizon Europe calls
- Side visits:
- Energy Lab 2.0 (KIT): Europe’s largest research infrastructure for renewable energy (batteries, electrolysis, Power2X, PV, micro gas turbine, energy smart home lab, electric cars,…)
- BiFlow: Demonstrator combining PV, wind turbine, lithium-ion battery & redox-flow battery (electrolytes for thermal storage)
- Fraunhofer ICT demonstrator: Demonstrator combining wind turbine, redox-flow battery & supercapacitor for virtual inertia
We hope to see you there.