Last December 14-15, the HYBRIS General Assembly was held in Chambéry, at the Institut National de l’Énergie Solaire headquarters in France.
It was a great opportunity to meet again, discuss progress made and define next steps for a smooth implementation of the demonstration sites.

During the first day, scientific and technical partners gave an overview regarding the status of their work, key aspects to consider for further technical progress and problems faced during the last six months. Attention was also paid to the container regulations compliance. It was decided that a risk analysis and safety measures to be put in place concerning the containerized solution must be defined.
First day meet ended up with a visit to CEA and INES facilities.

The second day started with the definition of the steps and timeline for the shipment of batteries and hybrid energy storage system components to be assembled in HESStec’s premises for validation, followed by a discussion on physical implementation of the HYBRIS system at the different demo-sites.
This meeting has definitely been a source of inspiration for further work on the project!