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Meet the University of Edinburgh and its role within SolDAC project!

The University of Edinburgh is one of the largest and most successful universities in the UK with an international reputation as a centre of academic excellence. The School of Engineering is one of the largest in the University of Edinburgh, comprising approx. 140 academic staff, 1,700 undergraduate, 180 taught postgraduate and 430 postgraduate research students drawn from all over the world. The Emerging Sustainable Technologies Laboratory (ESTech Lab) in the School of Engineering of The University of Edinburgh looks at all the aspects from fundamental science to prototype development concerning the energy conversion technologies that will constitute the backbone of the carbon-negative future. Their favorite field of interest is the utilization of low-grade-heat in heat-powered technologies, which often integrate sorption materials. 

Giulio Santori, Senior Lecturer of the School of Engineering, is managing the team in charge of the development of the direct air capture unit for the SolDAC system.  

“…we are developing catalyst for more efficient electrochemical conversion of CO2 from the atmosphere into ethylene… Our aim in this project is to develop the most efficient direct air capture technology ever proved… and produce ethylene with a competitive price compared with the current fossil-fuel based ethylene…”