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SolDAC 2nd GA in Edinburgh: Work is progressing with the support of the whole consortium

The SolDAC GA was held at the University of Edinburgh on 6th and 7th September. We could attend the previous days of the Heat Powered Cycles Conference 2023 also held at the University of Edinburgh, where SolDAC presented its first Workshop on Direct atmospheric carbon capture, storage, and conversion.

This GA was an opportunity to meet again and to make progress on the different SolDAC WPs.

The first session started with WP3. The University of Edinburgh presented an overview of the process that each partner is undertaking within WP3. As task 3.1 is already completed, the status of tasks 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 was explained where CNR-ITAE and USTAN presented their work. Regarding 3.5 DAC, Unit modeling work is in progress, and more time is needed for the final model.

Afterward, the University of Lleida explained the status of WP2. A graph with overall optical efficiency was presented. Actions carried out so far and the following steps to be taken in the next 6 months were explained.

WP4, in charge of IREC, reviewed the objectives achieved and the actions to follow in tasks 4.4 and 4.5.

In WP5, COMET emphasized the requirements of each partner to integrate the different units and the results being given separately.

LOMARTOV, leader of WP6, explained the tasks accomplished so far and the next steps. They also prepared the second RRI session, where the partners worked in groups with a final sharing.

COMET presented the work done on Communication and Dissemination within WP7. EIM, WP7 leader, held a workshop on Exploitation KERs Radar.

Finally, in WP1, led by COMET, a general review of how the project is progressing was given. Deliverables and milestones delivered, obstacles encountered, and solutions provided were reported. There was also an overview of the tasks to be carried out in the next 6 months and deadlines.

The GA finished with an exciting visit to the University of Edinburgh facilities and their labs.