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First General Assembly

On the 30th November, 1st and 9th December all CIRCTHREAD partners attended the 1st General Assembly in remote mode due to the COVID-19 sanitary conditions around Europe. During the first day work on use cases was a central part of the meeting. Questions such as: Can you think of any ideas about the way the tool can be designed? or, what functionality should it have?, how should we use it? Arose during the interactive sessions. So if you are interested in the project developments any input is more than welcome! You can do that on the Stakeholders Community section.

Screenshot of some of attendees to the CIRCTHREAD First General Assembly 

During the second day  interesting ideas came out about engagement and dissemination activities. Other interesting ideas come about the central interest of the project: appliances. For example: what do we need when facing a malfunctioning appliance? 

Interactive exercise during the second day of the meeting.

On the last day of the General Assembly very interactive and information gathering sessions and workshops were carried out. We discussed on LCA, strategies to communicate better, channels to use, explotable results, new use cases, identifying the stakeholders. Want to joint us? This meeting also marked the start of a phase of increase interaction with all stakeholders who has interest in CIRCTHREAD and opened the channels through the Stakeholders community form so anyone can get involved different levels in the project.

Screenshot of workshop focused on the use cases

The workshops were a success and plenty of information was gathered that will inform project developments. If you are interested in the project you can also become involved in it, and there are several ways to do so…have a look at the Stakeholders Community page and join us so your voice can be heard.

So after these three fruitful working days we are looking forward to the next General Assembly where advances on the project will be presented.