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Practical implementation of BIM for renovation: Demonstration of simple and affordable BIM tools for SMEs. Lessons learned in the BIM4Ren project

Entitled in Spanish” JORNADA: Aplicación práctica de BIM para Rehabilitación: Demostración de herramientas BIM sencillas y asequibles para PYMES. Lecciones aprendidas en el proyecto BIM4Ren” last 6th of July a new event of the BIM4Ren project was held in Bilbao (Spain), in the Eraikune venues, the construction cluster in Euskadi.  The hybrid event was organised by the BIM4Ren Spanish partners, the contractor company Kursaal and the R&D centre TECNALIA, both member of the cluster, and was targeted to the Spanish BIM4Ren community, including Early Adopters, pilot stakeholders, BIM4Ren followers, and in overall all the public interested in BIM and rehabilitation. This event, as part of the Living Labs activities around the Spanish pilot, was a continuation of the previous workshop held in San Sebastian in 2019 where the challenges of BIM for renovation and the user requirements for the process digitalisation were discussed.

The event “Practical implementation of BIM for renovation: Demonstration of simple and affordable BIM tools for SMEs. Lessons learned in the BIM4Ren project” was drawn up as a combination of theory about BIM and renovation and practical demonstration of the BIM4Ren tools used in the Spanish pilot, and the lessons learned about digitalisation of the renovation process during BIM4Ren project by the SME Kursaal. 

Firstly, Fernando Sigchos from EBC described in detail the context of the renovation in Europe, highlighting the potential of BIM for optimizing the renovation process, specifically for construction SME companies as well as the challenges for implementation. Secondly Natalia Lasarte and Rosa San Mateos from TECNALIA talked about the use of BIM methodology in renovation from the results achieved from BIM4Ren project. In the second part of the event, Martin Osa from Kursaal presented the technologies for geometry acquisition developed in the project, giving a demonstration of some of the tools tested in the pilot for data gathering such as Plans2BIM, DAGABOT, CAIA, and ZUTEC. Additionally, Asier Mediavilla from TECNALIA presented the off-site tools for BIM model generation and energy simulation developed within the project by TECNALIA: 3BTool, PIECE; GISTOIFC, and BASE+. Finally, Irene Reyero from Kursaal talked about the work done in the Spanish pilots, presented the KPI methodology for assess the process success using BIM, and finished sharing the experience gained by BIM4Ren project about BIM and renovation from a SME’s perspective. 

The workshop, conducted in Spanish, was followed by up to 50 participants both in streaming and in person in the Eraikune facilities. Some questions were raised by the attendants to the speakers during the presentations. Topics such as the European funding for SMES digitalisation or the access to the cadastre data awaken the participants´ interest. Leveraging the presence of contractor companies in the room, a fruitful debate about the use of BIM for SMEs arisen.

The final conclusion, shared by all the speakers, is that BIM is an opportunity for SMEs working on renovation that need to optimize the process, as far as the BIM tools to be used are affordable and adjusted to the diversity of processes, project sizes, stakeholders, phases and ambitions, in a nutshell, fitted to the SME´s needs. 

The event recorded is available in Youtube in the following link: