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We have created this section for a better understanding of HYPERGRYD Project and all its members.

To do so, each week, one of the partners will answer some questions.

Let’s get started!

Our guest this week is Gabrielle Penello from Sorption Technologies

The role of Sorption Technologies in the HYPERGRYD Project is: collaboration in WP2.

But let Gabrielle Penello tell us about it!

1.What is the role of Sorption Technologies in HYPERGRYD Project?

Sorption Technologies is involved with other partners mainly at WP2. In the Task 2.2 Development and manufacturing of Enabling Technologies: for the seasonal storage; in Task 2.3 Lab scale testing, and in Task 2.4 Integrated control system for the innovative Storage system.

2.How do you contribute to the HYPERGRYD Project with your work?

In close cooperation with CNR ITAE we are going to design, produce and test a long-term storage using thermochemical technology specifically designed for 4th and 5th generation District Heating and Cooling (DHC) network. It will be based on a multi-modular configuration able to provide heating a cooling.

Sorption module

3. Any tips for the public about your work?

This Storage is based on our patented design of the adsorption chiller. Such design allows some key advantages: higher flexibility in adapting to the different heat sources, possibility of operation according to a demand-response approach by operating only some of the modules, easy maintenance and installation.

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HYPERGRYD, hybrid energy grids for smart energy districts!

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