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SCENARIOS second GA in Athens

Last  week we held the second general assembly in Athens where all work packages have given an update on the work done so far. Results from two years of work which includes valuable results and experiences.  During the first day all partners contributing with technology and data to LCA participated in the exploitation workshop, while in the morning parallel sessions took place for different work packages to meet and discuss future steps.

On the second day of the meeting the executive board met to taking important decisions on organisational issues and future steps to be taken managing the project.

The third day was fully dedicated to present progress in all work packages as well as talks with the project officer. Partners were updated on the analytical method developed in Alessandria’s lab for the analysis of PFAS in different environmental and biological matrices, while we were also informed about the advances in the pilot sites among other updates.

During the last day we meet to discuss part of the test and experiments with zebra fish embryo and embryo cells have been carried out and we are using Seahorse analyser with is a real time metabolic analyser. We are also using real time PCR for molecular analysis. plaining of the possibilities for testing in zebra fish, brain liver and maybe other tissues to check after the PFAS interference in their lives -liver, ovaries, brain grills. Several questions arose regarding the experimental design: which one are the best or more recommended tissues to measure? Are male and female individuals been affected the same way? How exposure affects transgeneration? Is exposure stop favours recovery?  Pharmaquinetics can benefits from these experiments.

Thanks very much to our colleagues from NTUA and NovaMechanics for organising the meeting.