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SolDAC 1st General Assembly in Barcelona

The first General Assembly of the SolDAC Project has been held in Barcelona on February 21st and 22nd, at the UPC Campus Diagonal Besòs facilities, hosted by IREC. It was an opportunity to meet again all partners and continue working.

First session was opened by COMET, as project coordinator, with a general overview of the project, covering works done during first 6 months and forecast of next steps to be done in the following 6 ones.  Following the agenda of the event, all the partners made a summary of their respective WP. 

The University of Edimburg, as leader of WP3 explained actual situation of their work package Direct Air Capture (DAC) mainly focused on the process, accompanied by contributions from partners CNR (mainly focused on nanoporous materials for DAC and DAC unit development) and the University of St. Andrews (synthesis of selected materials).

The next partner that presented their progress was the University of Lleida, which focused on developing a spectral splitting Fresnel-based collector and design and numerical modelling of an optical guide network.

After this intervention, IREC informed us about the tasks of Preliminary thermodynamic of photoelectrochemical process that they already finished and the ones that are going on in Development of benchmark electrochemical cell, also than initial works in fabrication of photoelectrodes.

The last presentation before lunch time was led by COMET, leader of the WP5 Commissioning and testing of SolDAC Integrated Process, that will begin its work next month.

During the afternoon the information about the project continued with the contributions of  LOMARTOV about Triple pillar sustainability guidance and validation with useful information about streamlined LCA methodology and RRI session results and EIM regarding communication, dissemination and future exploitation of the project with special attention to the upcoming events in which partners will participate and the first workshop of the project.

Last presentation of the day was in charge of COMET formanagement and coordination tasks, with a special remark on next deliverables to be submitted and first 6M report.

It was helpful for the Consortium to learn about the advances in the project process.

On the second day, the Consortium took some time to discuss internally about interdependencies within work packages, topics in parallel groups, next steps to be done and next meetings to be held.

Taking advantage of the face-to-face of this meeting, some partners were interviewed by COMET in order to generate dissemination videos who will be published soon in the Youtube channel.

The GA finished with an interesting visit to the IREC facilities and their labs and the general impression that tasks are progressing at a good pace.

We continue working together!